Acclaimed worldwide as the definitive biography of the prophet in the english language. Martin Lings' life of MUHAMMAD is unlike any other.
Based on Arabic sources of the eighth and ninth centuries. It owes the freshness and directness of its approach to the words of men and women who heard MUHAMMAD speak and witnessed the events of his life.
Martin Lings, formerly Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts in the British Museum and the British Library has an unusual gift for narrative. He has adopted a style that reflects both the simplicity and grandeure of the story and will be equally enjoyed by those already familiar with MUHAMMAD's life and those coming to it for the first time.
"This work is widely recognized as the most readable account of the life of the Prophet to date" Times of London
"For those intereseted in Islam in one way or another, it is mesmerizing" Parabola
Anbefales av litteraturgruppen. Veldig lærerik og god lesing.
ISBN -13: 978-1-59477-153-8
ISBN-10: 1-59477-153-7